Our Community Service
Superior Touch is community-based organization. It is devoted to helping schools, social, community, and other agencies to unite and assist people in need. We founded Rainbow Nations a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to help the homeless and low income people find jobs, shelter, food and clothing. Due to major cutbacks in the social welfare system, the need for our assistance and the assistance of other charitable corporations is much more apparent.

Our objective is to help improve the quality of life for our AV low-income families. We have assembled low income mothers and fathers, and started to teach them the skills they need to find jobs in the construction field and we help them find jobs that will allow mothers and fathers to increase the money they earn so that they can better take care of their children and get off welfare.

Our painting company contribute to our society by helping low income parents achieve economic self-sufficiency. This project address the needs so desperately underserved in our community in an effort to compensate for the lack for quality jobs that the majority of low-income families in Antelope Valley need. With inflation continuing to increase every year, it has become necessary for more families to rely on two incomes to survive. In turn, this increases the demand for jobs.

We are creating jobs for our community families and we need your help!

There will be yard, garage cleaning,  cleaning and moving services, drywall repair, and hauling and landscape & lawn services by people from AV.

We have a team where everyone has an investment in our communities. Through teamwork, commitment, hard work and dedication, everything is possible.